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Beyond Sustainability

Saying "Yes!" to Life — ReWilding the Self #8

In this terrible crisis of the Deepwater oil gusher is the telling of a story of war against our very selves that is collapsing in upon itself. This story mirrors to us the many ways our lives, life styles and very identities are currently configured for self-destruction.
Mirrored to us as well is yet an older story: Life’s invitation to itself once again to experience a transformation of identity. This is the path of the upward spiral of resilience. And it is ours personally to claim as birthright—as we each hear the awakening within.
So say, “Yes!” to Life. Within this affirmation is the awakening power of our transformation.

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ReWilding the Self -4

Yes, this rewilding of the self requires the unflinching courage to open our eyes and hearts to what is. This is the time we live in. And it is the time of our awakening; the time for offering our gifts to the world,

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Growing Roots Into Earth

…grounded in the reality of Life’s reciprocity and its consequent preference for strategies of mutualism. Mutualism is an evolutionary symbiotic strategy of wellness, hardiness and wholeness that can incorporate both competitive and cooperative hinging between species and individuals, resulting in ‘mutual benefit.’

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The Once and Future Human

And that letting go of all one knows
honoring the willingness and courage
to not know — to at last not name and define
to cease reading the maps drawn by those
who live under the spell of answers and knowing
and trust at last…

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